blackened thrash metal
Albums scraped2021-12-04T01:04:00.833Z
Last updated2021-12-12T20:40:14.198Z
Released at
89Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales1984-06-24
43Bulldozer - The Day of Wrath1985-03-13
17Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion1985-10-27
49NME - Unholy Death1986-01-28
79Sarcófago - I.N.R.I.1987-08
35Bulldozer - Neurodeliri1988-10
11Sarcófago - Rotting1989-08
92Venom - Prime Evil1989-10-09
80Sabbat - Envenom1991-03
95Bathory - Requiem1994-11-14
59Bathory - Octagon1995-05-01
87Usurper - Diabolosis1995-10-10
9Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack1996
3Deströyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves1997-03
97Nocturnal Breed - Aggressor1997-10
57Bathory - Jubileum Volume III1998-08
86Deströyer 666 - Satanic Speed Metal1998
1Deströyer 666 - Phoenix Rising2000-01-01
55Necrodeath - Mater of All Evil2000
48Bewitched - Rise of the Antichrist2002-01-28
28Vomitor - Bleeding the Priest2002
30Desaster - Divine Blasphemies2002
82Razor Of Occam - Pillars Of Creation2003
93Bloodrain - Bloodrain II: Ultimatum2003
39Power From Hell - The True Metal2004
24Desaster - Angelwhore2005-08-22
14Susperia - Devil May Care2005-09-26
21Toxic Holocaust - Hell on Earth2005-10-31
100Bestial Mockery - Gospel of the insane2006-01-16
38Skeletonwitch - Worship the Witch2006-08
12Mokoma - Viides vuodenaika2006-10-18
29IXXI - IXXI2007-06-15
47Bloodthirst - Let Him Die2007-09-22
7Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost2007-10-02
77Nifelheim - Envoy Of Lucifer2007-11-19
37Mokoma - Luihin ja ytimiin2007-11-28
23IXXI - Assorted Armament2007-12-22
13Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose of Death...2008-08-27
10Toxic Holocaust - An Overdise of Death...2008-09-02
46Dissimulation - Atiduokit Mirusius2008-10-06
54Perversor - Cult of Destruction2008-12-18
81Nocturnal - Violent Revenge2009-06-15
19Deströyer 666 - Defiance2009-06-22
4Skeletonwitch - Breathing the Fire2009-10-13
61Bloodthirst - Sanctity Denied2009-11-14
15Cruel Force - The Rise of Satanic Might2010-02-05
41Witchaven - Terrorstorm2010-03-06
71Dub Buk - Мертві сорому не ймуть2010-11-16
42Goatpenis - Biochemterrorism2010
83Hades Archer - For The Diabolical Ages2011-03-11
36Cruel Force - Under the Sign of the Moon2011-06
8Toxic Holocaust - Conjure and Command2011-07-19
6Absu - Abzu2011-10-04
2Skeletonwitch - Forever Abomination2011-10-11
33Voidhanger - Wrathprayers2011-11-25
18Nekromantheon - Rise, Vulcan Spectre2012-01-13
69Goatwhore - Blood For The Master2012-02-14
53Hellbringer - Dominion of Darkness2012-09-28
31Joel Grind - The Yellowgoat Sessions2013-01-15
5Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry of Consciousness2013-10-29
68Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed2013-10-29
52Voidhanger - Working Class Misanthropy2013-11-29
78Svolder - Desecration of the Five Holy Pillars2014-01-14
74Woland - Hyperion2014-02-17
70Nocturnal Witch - Summoning Hell2014-03-22
65Gehennah - Metal Police2014-03-26
94Frosthelm - The Endless Winter2015-03-22
66Inculter - Persisting Devolution2015-03-27
99Deathhammer - Evil Power2015-04-13
56Bonehunter - Evil Triumphs Again2015-06-06
32Black Fast - Terms of Surrender2015-08-07
50Gehennah - Too Loud To Live, Too Drunk To Die2016-02-12
64Deströyer 666 - Wildfire2016-02-26
25Desaster - The Oath Of An Iron Ritual2016-04-08
16Skeletonwitch - The Apothic Gloom2016-08-19
51Asenblut - Berserker2016-08-19
40Ravencult - Force Of Profanation2016-11-11
34Condor - Unstoppable Power2017-04-28
60Bonehunter - Sexual Panic Human Machine2017-08-04
73Bunker 66 - Chained Down in Dirt2017-10-27
26Venom - 100 Miles To Hell2017-12-22
62Deströyer 666 - Call Of The Wild2018-02-23
84Vomitor - Pestilent Death2018-04-20
98Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light2018-07-20
91Mongrel's Cross - Psalter Of The Royal Dragon Court2018-08-03
72Bonehunter - Children of the Atom2018-09-28
45Deafheaven - Black Brick2019-02-27
44Inculter - Fatal Visions2019-04-26
67Lichmagick - Lichmagick2019-08-09
75Toxic Holocaust - Primal Future: 20192019-10-04
27Xoth - Interdimensional Invocations2019-10-17
90Vulcano - Anthropophagy2019-11-16
22Bütcher - 666 Goats Carry My Chariot2020-01-31
76Slaughter Messiah - Cursed To The Pyre2020-02-21
20Malokarpatan - Krupinské Ohne2020-03-20
85Töxik Death - Sepulchral Demons2020-08-21
96Evoke - Seeds Of Death2020-09-18
63Demiser - Through the Gate Eternal2021-03-12
58Desaster - Churches Without Saints2021-06-04
88Bonehunter - Dark Blood Reincarnation System2021-08-20